The Wizard of Oz is a classic film that was created in 1939. It is a fantasy adventure movie based on one book out of a series of stories that is set in a largely unexplored world (Aguire). It is a story with multiple relatable characters, in attempt to connect to every viewer/reader …show more content…
“It was Oscar nominated for best picture, cinematography, interior decoration, and special effects” (Nixon). “ Over the Rainbow” almost didn’t make it into the film, but it won an Oscar (Fisher). Also, Judy Garland won a juvenile Oscar for her performance as Dorothy (Fisher). Along with multiple Oscar achievements, there was almost an “Oz” sequel in the 40’s (Herbert). Although the movie is a large part of the history of The Wizard of Oz, the writing of the book and script also played a even larger role in the making of the story.
The writing of the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was not smooth sailing, but after L Frank Baum managed to finish it, it was immediately loved my millions. Nearly 10 million copies of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz were sold; the books popularity only grew around the holidays (Rudolph). L Frank Baum, the author of the novel, sold the rights to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz for $75,000. He might have regretted the decision later on, because the movie ended up costing $2.8 million and turned into an American classic (Herbert). Along with the book, the script from the film also took a while to