Play is how children try out the world and learn about it. It is how they develop socially, intellectually, and emotionally. When Oaklander plays with a child she learns about the child’s thoughts. Oaklander gives advice on how to implement play therapy. Sometimes she will choose particular toys and other times she will let the child choose. She asks children if they identify with any of the toys they are playing with. She has children pretend to dialog between toys, imagine that they are a toy, and express what a toy is thinking. The sand tray is a favorite with children. It is a tactile experience, and when used in conjunction with figurines and other toys, can display a scene from a child’s life. Oaklander treats sand play as she would a dream sequence and will ask children to describe the scene and tell a story about it. She provides a list of sand toys she has collected. Games help a child socially and can help build a relationship between child and therapist. When a therapist uses a magic trick it helps break the ice and can reduce a child’s tension. It is important to establish a relationship of trust. Oaklander generally does not like to give projective tests, but will use them for the therapeutic
Play is how children try out the world and learn about it. It is how they develop socially, intellectually, and emotionally. When Oaklander plays with a child she learns about the child’s thoughts. Oaklander gives advice on how to implement play therapy. Sometimes she will choose particular toys and other times she will let the child choose. She asks children if they identify with any of the toys they are playing with. She has children pretend to dialog between toys, imagine that they are a toy, and express what a toy is thinking. The sand tray is a favorite with children. It is a tactile experience, and when used in conjunction with figurines and other toys, can display a scene from a child’s life. Oaklander treats sand play as she would a dream sequence and will ask children to describe the scene and tell a story about it. She provides a list of sand toys she has collected. Games help a child socially and can help build a relationship between child and therapist. When a therapist uses a magic trick it helps break the ice and can reduce a child’s tension. It is important to establish a relationship of trust. Oaklander generally does not like to give projective tests, but will use them for the therapeutic