Why We Should Not Have School Uniforms

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Can you name a person who has to wear a uniform? You might of thought of your grandparents, parents, or even yourself who have worn or are wearing a uniform as you or someone you know goes into battle to protect the freedom that we have in the United States. Maybe you thought of your child’s movies or comic books where you see Spiderman, Batman, or Wonder Woman wearing a uniform as they struggle and prevail in protecting the world from villains. Some of the greatest people, dead or alive, real or fiction, have worn uniforms. Now, superhero uniforms may be cooler than school uniforms, but they are uniforms nevertheless. As a person who wore school uniforms from first grade to graduation, I believe that they were a progressive addition to my life and saw numerous positive results because of them. …show more content…
In 1994, California's Long Beach Unified School District was the first urban public school district that had mandatory uniforms for all elementary and middle schools (Chittom). Following California's Long Beach Unified School District, other public-school districts have applied alike school uniform policies some of them include the district of Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and other parts of California. David Brunsma is a peer-reviewed author for numerous articles and he says that historically, uniforms were mainly connected with private schools, but as the world progresses, uniforms have been made mandatory all around the world to public schools as well. School uniforms are important because they have been associated with prestige and power, provided numerous positive results, and are easy. Thus, all elementary, middle, and high schools should integrate the policy of having students wear a school uniform during

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