There would be more direct consequences to any selfish behavior. If a player was to get drunk and arrested, they would be suspended for at least 5 games, but many suspensions are carried out during the non-conference games early in the season. When games often have less meaning. It certainly would be better to educate players in college about how unacceptable behavior can lead to a loss of income. For example players wouldn’t target if they would lose income for it. This valuable lesson for being responsible for ones actions, and understanding the consequences of breaking the rules. Therefore, suspensions would be even more serious if you were to lose money for
There would be more direct consequences to any selfish behavior. If a player was to get drunk and arrested, they would be suspended for at least 5 games, but many suspensions are carried out during the non-conference games early in the season. When games often have less meaning. It certainly would be better to educate players in college about how unacceptable behavior can lead to a loss of income. For example players wouldn’t target if they would lose income for it. This valuable lesson for being responsible for ones actions, and understanding the consequences of breaking the rules. Therefore, suspensions would be even more serious if you were to lose money for