The first argument against regular school schedule is for the simple fact that students need more sleep. With the strict school schedule students do not receive adequate sleep. With eight hours of schooling a day and an average of two to three hours of homework a night, students do not maintain a healthy sleeping agenda. It is recommended students receive an average of nine hours of sleep a night. This would leave no time for extracurricular activities as well as some social activities. This is why some health professionals argue it would be beneficial to start school an hour or two …show more content…
Essentially the only way to allow students more sleep would be to shorten the school day itself. If the school day started later in the morning it would essentially just cause students to stay up a few hours later and wake up a few hours earlier. There would be no actual benefits from this new schedule. This is important to realize because it would just cause students to be staying up at later hours in the night. This is why some other professionals argue that starting school later in the morning would not be beneficial and would fundamentally cause students to stay up