Therefore, trade is one of the many way the Middle East is important to us. We do Free Trade Agreement with countries in the Middle East. Evidence is, “South Korea is one of the top 15 countries we trade with.” It’s exceptional because trade is a big deal to the country. Trade is what makes money for a country and losing the Middle East would mean the U.S. would lose money. The United States needs money because we are in debt by $18,000,000,000,000. The United States could also lose oil. Author wrote, “Most of the oil imports currently come from five countries: Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria.” We are in need of more oil because of how much we consume on a daily basis. …show more content…
If we stop trade or go against them it could start up terrorism or war. We have a big mess we got into by helping other countries in the Middle East by sending troops in or giving weapons. If we back out now, the countries will be upset and possibly create war. The United States need to stay ‘friends’ with the Middle East because citizens of those countries might turn our weapons on us or create a 9/11 all over again. Author wrote, “The beheading of US reporters by Islamic State fanatics was disgusting, of course, but perhaps not irrational. Jihadists scored a great propaganda victory on 9/11, which led to the past decade’s misguided wars. This will lead us into more borderless war.” The United States will be ruined if we back away from this mess. While going into war will cost us more money that we can make up