Why Did Thomas Jefferson Follow The Constitution?

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I, Thomas Jefferson, am a firm believer in the Constitution and not borrowing money from others. But now I am in a predicament where I may have to violate my morals. I am able to obtain an immense tract of land for a comparatively cheap price of $15 million. The only thing is I do not have permission to buy land, declare the people living there citizens, nor do I have $15 million lying around. So to obtain this land I would have to borrow money from the British and defy the Constitution. Now back to my point of view. America at this time in history is a democracy. The constitution has been established and has the rules set in stone. Thomas Jefferson has also been a stickler for following the constitution exactly as it is written. So having this large amount of land with all of its bountiful resources for such a cheap price is extremely enticing. But it is quite the problem. It goes completely against what Jefferson believes in. But it wasn’t all bad. Even though it took a little rule breaking it was a big win for the U.S. at the time. They obtained a plethora of resources which played a role in the start of industrialization. It was the greatest land deal in history. …show more content…
But from my point of view and the way I think it would have been an easy choice. Yes it goes against the constitution and I have no power to do it but it would most definitely benefit the country. The only thing I would have trouble with is with the people who live there already. But I would try to work with them and treat them fairly. But I’m not saying I would break the rules every chance that I get. But there are those opportunities that arise every now and then that you can’t pass up. But I would consult with a few others to get their opinion and brainstorm about solutions. Listening to others and hearing what they have to say is what leadership is all about after

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