Why Did The Spaniards Conquer The Civilization Of Native Americans?

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Starting in the late 1400’s, the Spaniards set out on explorations in the western hemisphere of the the world. The main goal of these explorations for the Spaniards was to find gold, which caused the Spaniards to become extremely greedy. During these explorations, the Spaniards ran into many civilizations of Native Americans. Soon afterwards, the Spaniards started to conquer the lands and take over the Native Americans. The Spaniard’s easily overwhelmed and conquered the Native Americans for three main reasons. The Native Americans were too friendly, the Spaniards had weapons, and the Spaniards were also driven by greed and violence.
One of the main reasons that the Spaniards took over so easily is that the Native Americans were too friendly.
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In 1492 Columbus said in his journal, “The islands are all extremely verdant and fertile, with the air agreeable, and probably contain many things of which I am ignorant, but I did not want to stay here, but visit other islands in search of gold.” This talks about how Columbus knew how valuable the islands of the Caribbeans were but yet he moved on because his mind was so set on gold. The greediness the Spaniards had gave them motivation to press on and take over more lands in hopes of finding gold. In 1590 Father Bernardino de Sahagun said, “And when they went into the great palace, the residence of the ruler, they repeatedly shot off their harquebuses. They exploded, sputtered, discharged, and thundered.” This talks about how Cortes and his men charged the Aztec palace with horses and guns and shot off the guns to show dominance and scare the Aztecs. This shows how the Spaniards used violence to try take the Aztecs by surprise and conquer their land. In 1542 Bartoleme de Las Casas said, “Their reason for killing and destroying such an infinite number of souls is that the Christians have an ultimate aim, which is to acquire gold, and to swell themselves with riches in a very brief time and thus rise to a high estate disproportionate to their merits.” In other words it says that the greediness for gold caused the Spaniards to be so violent and kill so many people. This furthers the point that the greediness caused the death of many Native Americans at the hands of the Spaniards.Due to the greediness of the Spaniards, it caused them to become violent against the Native Americans, ending in the loss of many Native American

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