Have you ever read a banned book? The thing is, most people don’t know if a book is banned or not. The book I strongly suggest for adults and most teenagers is Cujo. This book is filled with gore and adultery from top to bottom. Cujo has been banned in multiple city and state schools all over the United States. Like I said earlier Cujo was banned for adultery, gore and adult language.
Cujo is definitely the kind of book I would think would get banned for gore. If you don’t know the overall problem of the book it is that a dog, Cujo, gets rabies and attacks and kills multiple innocent people. It is also said that the dog was possessed by a savage serial killer. Throughout the story, Cujo ,the rabid …show more content…
Kids affected by a mother or father cheating shouldn’t read this book as it might bring back bad memories. A character in this book eventually cheats on her husband and practically ruins their marriage. This caused an uproar amongst parents thinking it would make their child think their mom is cheating on his dad. This is what got this book banned in most of West Virginia’s schools.
The final reason that Cujo gets banned in schools is the language. Children usually hear their parents “let one slip” ever so often. This book is the exact opposite of that quote. Almost halfway through the book all of the adult characters had said at least one cuss word. West Virginia also didn’t like that as well. They banned every copy from their schools
Cujo is a good book for most readers who enjoy adult content. If you want read this book, but it isn’t age appropriate for you might want to check with your parents before you start to read it. After reading this book I realize why most books for unsuitable ages. Books provide so much knowledge but some knowledge isn’t worth learning. I also figured out that I enjoy Stephen King