First, the King is a major part in Santiago's journey because he got the whole quest started. ‘“But let’s say that the most important is that you have succeeded in discovering your destiny’” (Coelho 20). The king showed up in many different forms to keep Santiago on track of his Personal Legend. At one point the king looked like a sword. The sword distracted Santiago while following a person that ended up robbing him. This allowed Santiago to take a different route in search for his treasure. Without the King’s the help Santiago would never have been able to reach his Personal Legend. Santiago needed help crossing the desert; he met the Englishman who has crossed the desert several times. The Englishman travels in a bubble because he never watches the omens that pass by him every day. He even said himself that he never followed his Personal Legend. The Englishman taught Santiago about the Alchemist, he told him that the Alchemist taught people how to connect to the Soul of the World. With the soul of the world Santiago would be able to speak the language of the world. If he could speak the language of the world Santiago would be able to follow omens better and be able to fulfill his true Personal Legend. The Englishman took Santiago into the Oasis to look for the Alchemist. ‘“Good afternoon, Ma’am. I’m trying to find out where the Alchemist lives here at the Oasis’” (Coelho 93). No one knew or heard of such a person. Later that week Santiago was wondering the Desert and he saw two eagles flying around in the sky. He …show more content…
The Alchemist is able to teach him in short time to save Santiago’s life. ‘“Your eyes show the strength of your soul’” (Coelho 130) Santiago had to learn how to communicate with the soul of the world to save his life. People wanted to kill Santiago if he could not turn himself into wind and destroy the camp. The Alchemist taught him how to communicate with the soul of the world in order to save his life and continue his Personal legend. The camp was afraid of Santiago, so they gave him a camel and sent him on his way. Without the help of the Alchemist Santiago would never be able to continue his journey to the soul of the