The Sea Around Us was a short biography of the sea. It raised the consciousness of generations and made Rachel Carson the trusted public force of science in America. Her book The Edge of the Sea which was written in 1955 brought focus around the ecosystems of the East Coast from Maine to Florida. (The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson) Carson's books stated about "geologic discoveries from submarine technology and underwater research from how islands were formed, how currents change and merge, how temperature affects sea life and how erosion impacts not just shorelines but salinity, fish populations, and tiny micro-organisms." (The Life and Legacy of Rachel …show more content…
The Fish and Wildlife Service named one of its refuges near Carson's summer home in Maine as the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge in 1969 to honor the memory of this extraordinary woman. (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) Rachel Carson is remembered today as one of the finest nature writers of the Twentieth Century and is remembered more today as the woman who challenged the notion that humans could obtain mastery over nature by chemicals, bombs and space travel than for her studies of ocean life. (The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson) "There is no question...that SILENT SPRING promoted the Federal Government to take action against water and pollution- as well as against the misuse of pesticides- several years before it otherwise might have moved."
"Carson's most direct legacy in the environmental movement was the campaign to ban the use of DDT in the United States. Carson's work, and the activism it inspired, are at least partly responsible for the deep ecology movement, and the overall strength of the grassroots environmental movement since the