In the story, when Zachary came to town, after a few days Cal and Toby saw that some 5th graders were hitting Zachary's trailer, they went and gathered some rocks and started throwing them at the kids.When the author wrote that part in the book, I think what she was getting at was that even if there is a new kid in town you can still stand up for him he kids are picking on him. The …show more content…
At the end of the story Cal and Toby get Zachary baptised. Toby, Cal, Kate, Malcolm, and Ferris bring Zachary down to Gossimer Lake, Ferris reads the verses and Cal, Toby, Kate, and Malcolm dunk Zachary under the water. On the way back up they struggled to lift him up, Malcolm set a groan and they gain enough strength to pull him out.
Friendship isn't necessary for life but it is always nice to have some friends around when you’re the new kid. In the story kids picked on Zachary, but Cal and Toby were there to help, They even brought him to the movies, then he was baptised on his final day in Antler. If you are ever picked on, having a friend there that will help you get through it is one of the worldly pleasure God gave to us when he created this