What Is Your Opinion Of Churchill's Life

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My opinion on Churchill is almost all positive. I have a positive opinion of him because he is persistent, humorous, and thinks ahead of the current situation. His persistence is shown multiple times in his life, for example during World War II when his soldiers were fighting against Hitler and his troops, there were many times when he was worried and didn’t know if it would turn out the way almost everyone was hoping for. But he didn’t give up, in fact he refused to surrender, He once stated “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender”. This came out as incredibly beneficial when the news of Hitler’s death in 1945 spread across Europe. …show more content…
And then to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.”. This trait has also been shown to be helpful because he make light of awkward or upsetting situations. Finally Churchill’s forward thinking is shown usually during times of war but it also pops up at other points in his life. For example before World War II Churchill predicted that Hitler being in power and his ideas of Nazzism , would be terrible if it spread across Europe. He predicted this way before it actually happened and actually tried to stop it at a meeting with many world leaders. That is why I have a positive opinion of

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