Essay Questions For 1984 By George Orwell

Improved Essays
Shawn Auchstetter
November 27, 2017
Hum 310-42
Assignment 4
1984 Questions There are a lot of symbols, motifs, and themes within 1984. One of the main themes in the book is the idea of a totalitarian society. Orwell wrote 1984 to give Americans a possible society in the near future that could happy if Americans did not refuse the idea of a communistic society. One of the main concerns was that even though a communist society is an idealistic one, it is impractical as shown through the book. Orwell tries to educate people and show them at it just isn’t likely that the soviets would not use their power to further their own. One big motif is the idea of doublethink, which is where people think of two contradicting things at the same time, but don’t question it. Orwell uses this where a speaker for the Party needs to change his speech midway from Eurasia to EastAsia during the Hate Week Rally. The Party was saying all along that they were enemies with Eurasia, but the speaker changes mid speech and says that Eurasia is no longer the enemy and that they are allies now and EastAsia, their previous ally, is now their enemy. This made the people in the audience feel embarrassed because of the fact that they were holding signs about how Eurasia was their
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In every citizen’s home, there is a telescreen that constantly broadcasts propaganda along with monitoring what the people are doing. In addition to that, they also have microphones and other telescreens out in the public to continuously blast propaganda and keep tabs on their citizens. There is no where people could safely talk about anything that went against the Party. They also use technology to control where money and goods go. They plan shortages with the Ministry of Plenty to gain an advantage over its people and make the Party look good despite its

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