Question 26: Variations in a population is the product of sexual recombination, crossing over during meiosis or by mutation. Sexual recombination is the result of getting different copies of chromosomes between the father and mother during meiosis. Crossing over can produce new combinations of genes that will be expressed in the daughter cells. Mutation can produce random variation in a population that can produce a small or big change in a specie's variation.
Question 27: One gene, Hox gene, controls the size and position of the spots …show more content…
As they founded the isolated region, the inbreeding amongst their own produced a monoculture of Rh-negative blood.
Question 29: Humans domesticated fire and creating method of making food softer and easier to mechanically digest. This shift resulted in the evolution of smaller, less muscular jaws on humans about 2.4mya.
Question 30: Early Europeans were hunters and gathers. When the agriculture revolution changed the method of obtaining food, they depended on gathering food from agriculture, which they knew were not poisonous. This shift did not pressure them to select against the ability to differentiate between poisonous plants of bright colors.
Question 31: A lumbar curve enables the ability to stand and walk upright, because it creates a lower central gravity for standing up and see predators, as apes climb on trees to survey for predators. This vertebrae curve gave humans an advantage but it also promotes elders or people who stand for hours to suffer back pain due to this shift of weight on the