The core value that most has the most influences me is dignity and worth of the person. My nineteen-year professional career working with individuals with an intellectual and/or developmental disability is largely the reason for which this value influences me. Often, individuals with an intellectual and/or developmental disability have not been provided with the opportunities that enable them to learn how to gain personal independence and control of their situation or decision making skills that empower them to make choices affecting their life. Frequently, they have been over protected by loved ones and too often participate in programs and activity that segregate or exclude them from the community. It is because of this, a large function of my job responsibility is to educate the individual, their caregivers and loved one and the community of the individual’s right to access the same opportunities that all other team members and to do so in respectful and mindful manner.
• Your process recordings from your field placement asked you to identify values and virtues that influenced your practice. Provide one example of a value or …show more content…
In my professional life, I understand and educate on the importance of empowering individuals to be as independent as possible; to do for themselves if they have the capabilities and if they don’t have the capabilities, assist them to learn. In my personal life, I still understand the importance of empowering individuals to be as independent as possible. However, as someone who was placed in the role of caregiver, I found it easier to do for the other individual on their behalf rather than encouraging them to do for themselves. Also, in my role as caregiver, I found that I was over protective of this individual and sheltered them from their community and