Humans are only known to exist upon Earth. From the beginning of time, life has evolved upon our planet. The vast Oceans of our world were only known as one. The lands came to exist among this ocean, further dividing it until there were not one but seven Oceans. It is from these expanses of water that life came to be upon Earth. From the sea, they evolved and thrived upon land. Their lives are dependent upon surviving nature. Their abilities to live within nature upon Earth are incomparable. They thrive among each other; they are dependent upon each other to maintain the endless circle of life. As a human, often, one may ponder over the thoughts of an animal. I wonder what this creature would verbally say if I were to scoop it up and bring it home? However, we perceive the animal is not capable of such thoughts. They do not have intellectual conversations over the gravitational lensing. Nor do they appear to even come close to the level of knowledge which humans have acquired. Therefore why do they exist upon the Earth? Furthermore, if they are so primitive in comparison to us, why do they still exist at all? In essence, over the past 2000 years, they human race has collected an incomparable amount of knowledge. We have accomplished technology hundreds of times more advanced …show more content…
I am governed to live a life of peace and compassion. I am to value to poor and weak over the rich and strong. However, if all these actions are towards a life of “pleasing and impressing” other around me, just in order to reach the reward at the end, is this the way which is truly correct. Is this the life which I should truly be living? In essence, as I live my life, I should not be aware of why I am living this way, but to merely accept that this is my life. I wish to be so dedicated towards the kindness and compassion which I am entitled to live by that the rewards are not even important in the