What Are The Pros And Cons Of School Vouchers

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1. School vouchers provide parents with the right to choose.
a. School vouchers allow parents and children to make a decision about their education. Parents are allowed to choose where their child attends school. This can allow families to remove their children from underperforming schools and send them to a better school. This also provides parents with the ability to choose whether their child attends a public or private school.
2. Voucher create better public schools.
a. By implementing vouchers competition is created between schools. Essentially schools become a free marketplace. If families have the ability to remove their children from underperforming schools, the underperforming schools must either improve, or shut down.
3. Vouchers provide low-income families with the right to a great education.
a. Typically, only wealthier families can afford a private education. Statically, students who attend high schools are more likely to graduate and attend college. Additionally, many of our nations underperforming schools are located in poorer urban settings. Therefore, most
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When a student leaves a public school, the money travels with the student. Therefore, the public school is now receiving less funding. Even though the underperforming schools have less students to educate, their operating costs do not decrease. As a result, schools feel the consequences of economies of scale (I guess two years at a business school did teach me something, thanks Bryant). The idea of economies of scale states that as your business expands, it becomes more efficient and the cost of producing each good decreases. For example, whether you have twenty-eight students, or eleven, you still have to pay for one teacher. Schools still typically end up having to pay the same number of teachers, so this part of the budget remains unchanged. However, this leaves less money in the budget for other items and services such as textbooks, extra-curricular activities and art

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