Bertrand Russell once said, “The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” This means that you can be inspired by anything that you love, but you will only get places from your knowledge. West Texas A&M University, West Texas State Normal College, is ranked number 1 Best Online Bachelor's in Public Health / Health Science, and will help me learn and succeed in a future in the medical field. West Texas A&M is a public University located on 2501 4th Ave, Canyon, Texas 79016. Canyon’s population is 15,138, and West Texas A&M’s population is 10,169. For the top public Universities in Texas, WT is ranked 14 out of 33. They are also ranked 187 out of 1,402 for Best College Athletics in America. WT was established on September 20, 1910 and was originally known as West …show more content…
2,581 of those students are graduates, and 7,477 of the students are undergraduates. 2,503 students live on campus, and there are about 4,399 male students, and 5,770 female students. The ratio of male to female students’ is 45:55. 89% of the students that attend WT are from Texas. 65.5% of the students are first year returning students, 27.7% of the students graduate within four years, 40.3% of the students graduate within five years, and 45% of the students graduate within 6 years. 76% of the students’ at WT receive financial aid. WT has many different departments that you can go into. You can go into the college of Agriculture and Nature Sciences, the College of Business, the College of Education and Social Sciences, the School of Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics, Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, and Graduate School. The nursing program has 1210 students enrolled, 235 graduate students enrolled which is a total of 1,445 students. The program also has 8 Baccalaureate Programs, and 5 masters’ programs that you can choose