I made that correction along with the transitioning sentences on my final proofing of the essay. When I saved it for the last time it saved to a different folder. When the essay was summited, I didn’t check it one last time and sent wrong one. I did learn from this mistake and will be doing a final check on every task right before I submit them. While writing this essay, I believed I consumed a clear understanding of writing the thesis statement. After reviewing the feedback, I’ve done some extra ready for this and better understand the difference between an implicit and explicit thesis statement. I found a great website that helps you understand and helps create a thesis statement at http://johnmcgarvey.com/apworld/student/thesiscreator.html. As well as the owl prude site https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/, that offers a great explanation of the steps needed to create a thesis statement. I will keep practicing creating thesis statements few times a week until I’m comfortable in creating
I made that correction along with the transitioning sentences on my final proofing of the essay. When I saved it for the last time it saved to a different folder. When the essay was summited, I didn’t check it one last time and sent wrong one. I did learn from this mistake and will be doing a final check on every task right before I submit them. While writing this essay, I believed I consumed a clear understanding of writing the thesis statement. After reviewing the feedback, I’ve done some extra ready for this and better understand the difference between an implicit and explicit thesis statement. I found a great website that helps you understand and helps create a thesis statement at http://johnmcgarvey.com/apworld/student/thesiscreator.html. As well as the owl prude site https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/, that offers a great explanation of the steps needed to create a thesis statement. I will keep practicing creating thesis statements few times a week until I’m comfortable in creating