The type of learning that was demonstrated in this study was hypothesizing fearful response in children to loud noises is an innate unconditional response. This type of test was a following response to a procedure known as the, “classical conditioning.” The unconditioned response to condition a child to fear a distinctive stimulus that normally would not be …show more content…
Any behaviorists believed that all behaviors are a result of conditioning. Any person, regardless of his or her background, could be trained to act in a particular manner given the right conditioning. A conditioning that occurs thorough interaction with the environment, our responses to environmental stimuli shapes our actions. There are two types of Behavioral Conditioning: classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
Classical conditioning is a technique used in behavioral training in which a naturally occurring stimulus is paired with a response. Neutral stimulus is paired with the naturally occurring stimulus. The previously neutral stimulus comes to evoke the response without the presence of the naturally occurring