As far as romanticism and realism go, they are both good to be used throughout a poem and oth can also be used by “Brilliant Mavericks” known as Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.
Walt Whitman has both romantic and realism to transition between his poems as its shown to be one of his best and helped suit him as a transitional figure.
In his poem I Hear America Singing he tells how he loves and shows his compassion but also show how real America can get, as he explains the people talking as singing and talking about what they love to do or love seeing. It shows how beautiful things can be as nothing special can be happening at the moment. In his next poem Song of Myself he explains his current living status while adding dashes of his romantic side, explaining the environment and giving it life as if it was an actual person. As for his realism he explains how things have changed over time and how he’s also changed from time. AS it shows that nothing stays the same and everything will change as things progress.Whitman’s transition from romantic to realism is a smooth transition as he hits with the romantic …show more content…
As the realism always ended the sentence with the reality of the situation taking place and ending with the real life result.
As for Dickinson she always implied the realism and romantic together and mixed it, as her mind wandered while writing and having it transition into a paper, she wrote many good ones and they all had what she wanted to be heard, if it was death, motivation, and just working hard to achieve what anyone could if they put their mind to