This article starts off with a personal story written from the author, Alan Charles. His marriage was not successful, his wife banned him from seeing his daughters, and he was fired from his job. In addition to all that has happened, his mother stopped checking up on him after the passing of his father. All of these terrible incidents had led Charles to smoking cocaine and getting addicted to it because he said it made him feel better. Towards the end of his article, he offers five objectives for those that need help with their addiction and also for their loved ones. The five objectives are persistence, focus, willingness, faith, and humility.
Article Analysis
Most restaurants, like my brother’s work Pizza Hut, require a health certificate and police/court clearance. It is done to ensure that all applicants have a clean record and so that the employer knows they have nothing major to worry about. There was an incident at my brother’s work a few years ago, where his coworker was going through a loss in the family. He thought drinking …show more content…
Alan Charles has been clean and sober since 2007, and according to the website, he speaks around the world hoping his story will help others. He also wrote a book entitled “Walking Out The Other Side: An Addict’s Journey from Loneliness to Life. I docked off 10 points because I could not find any information other than what was provided on the website.
Information/Content (25/30)
This article was just published last month, so it is fairly new. Also, the publication date is provided on the site, and it relates to the overall business department. The article provided five objectives to help those who are addicted to drugs. I docked off five points because there some minor grammatical errors and there was not much information following the five objectives