One similarity between the protesters in “A Letter Home” and “Waiting for Dan” is that they both had the same idea and message in the end, that violence is not the answer. Kara, who may or may not be the protester, says “I did not know any of the students personally, but I do know that this incident has made me incredibly angry. Violence is not the answer to these problems.”(Paragraph 7) Kara believes that if the soldiers and the protesters had just verbally worked through their problems, this controversy wouldn't have occurred which would leave the students not dead or injured. In addition, in “Waiting for Dan” the text says, “Before he left, he justified his decision by saying the Freedom Ride would bring the race issue to the forefront of American politics. Would it be dangerous? Possibly he said, but giving in to the threat of violence would send the wrong message.(Paragraph 7) Both Kara and Dan agree that violence is not the way conflicts should be solved. Another similarity between the two texts, “A Letter Home” and “Waiting for Dan”, is that both stories involved consequences. Because of the protests and rioting at Kent University, U.S. soldiers started to shoot leaving four people dead and nine injured. That was the consequence of bringing M-1 rifles to a college campus.“What I saw were national Guardsmen carrying M-1 rifles! (Paragraph 4) However, that wasn’t the only problem. If the students hadn’t protested against these soldiers, the soldiers wouldn’t have to shoot in the first place. Both of these problems would be easily resolved if the students and soldiers came to a conclusion that violence is not the answer. In “Waiting for Dan”, the story states, “Like two worried old men, they discuss politics and write letters to the White House. All of this is because my husband is now sitting in prison in Mississippi. Dan writes me that his lawyers are working every day to free him,and more importantly, the Kennedy administration is being forced to take a stand for civil rights.”(Paragraph 9) This shows that although Dan did the right thing, consequences came along with it. He risked his life to …show more content…
So why didn’t the police just deal with the troublemakers instead of pointing fingers at the entire university?”(Paragraph 3) This shows that the government, and the soldiers, and the police handled the situation poorly. To add on, “In Waiting for dan”, the text states “In my heart, I know Dan made a courageous and moral choice and I stand by him; but I hope that he will soon come back to us so our life can return to normal.” This expressed how Dan did a good thing and got punished for it. Dan was just speaking his mind, which is what everyone should do. Dan, knowing the possible dangers, could have prevented this, but still went with his heart to do the right