Afro-American Philosopher of Social Reality Dubois breaks down his viewpoint of america’s social reality. He breaks down society into ten quotes. “ Public ownership …show more content…
In the beginning of his career Dubois adopted the enlightenment tradition of moral suasion, claiming “a social philosophy of freedom and manhood rights for Africans and their descendants”(p.12). Dubois comment on collective details on Americans experiences is an straightforward analysis of the dehumanizing dilemma of black people in america. It is noteworthy that W .E. B. Dubois came upon the american intellectual scene during this very creative and troublesome era. During this time economics, psychology and history were the major forces operating. In 1899 Dubois wrote The Philadelphia Negro, this sociological study of African Americans in Philadelphia. “Is his great work in the social sciences, being an impressive monograph that deals with social satisfaction as an index into understanding the plight and social condition of the negro population”(p.13). His observations from the study, With stood the large influence of the physical environment of home and ward, nevertheless there is a far mightier influence to mold and make the citizen. Which is the social atmosphere that surrounds oneself, daily companionship, the thoughts of his social class, also his recreations and amusements. Dubois the scholar is really only a graft on Dubois the Negro. This prevented him from being a cool, calm and detached scientists because it was apart of the color line …show more content…
E. B. Dubois was intelligent african american historian and philosopher. Dubois confronts the social issues of suffrage and education. He promoted black suffrage, supported women's voting rights and equivalent insurance under the law, championed access to advanced education, fashioning the "gifted tenth" building up the best of one's race. That they may control the mass far from defilement and demise of the most exceedingly bad in their own particular and different races. Dubois states “ I am birth and law a free black american citizen”(p15).We all our born with rights, if neglected we will always be in danger. Dubois sheds light upon the issues of society, using his life experience. He understand the cruelty of the world, as douglass states the mind is a terrible thing to waste, Dubois understands the importance of education for the african american race to thrive in the