What are the significant psychological effects of volunteering on an individual?
A focus on volunteering was decided after a personal experience with one on one volunteering that lead to a career change and the desire to find out more about volunteering. When the topic of volunteering was chosen, research online was completed to gain a better understanding and what it would entail. Plenty of sources were found explaining why people decide to volunteer and how to get in to volunteering, but not many were found explaining how volunteering can affect an individual’s life. This became the new focus and as more research was found, the information focused on specifications about the psychological effects that volunteering can have on an individual. A range of sources were used including, web articles, academic reports, interviews with …show more content…
The outcome consisted of a report clearly stating and explaining the psychological factors that have an effect on volunteers.
Word Count: 150 words
Web Articles:
Collating online articles was successfully used to refine the topic as the information showed me how specific I had to be as it was a broad area of research. The collation of these sources were relied heavily on so that a full body of research could be developed, a range of web sources were also effectively referenced to enhance the validity of the research. Initial definition of the original topic of altruism was beneficial because it gave a better understanding of what it was that motivated individual volunteers. From this, I changed my question because it had lead me to a new area of interest. This process was useful as it helped specify my topic. Online articles were also used to complete background research on the chosen topic. This informed me