Violence In 'Bullet In The Brain'

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Violence is mostly viewed from a negative perspective, and while there is merit to this perception, the reasons for it are sometimes misrepresented and often overlooked. Each violent incident serves a considerably similar purpose in all the narratives in that they present an alternative perspective on the outcome of the main characters. The violence in all the stories are displayed through a series of unfortunate events and while all the preceding actions are far from each other, they all tie into the same narrative. The main characters in the stories have major shortcomings and the violence that would befall them would eventually reveal the ultimate consequence of their flaws.
Despite the similarities in the consequences and the character
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Just like the characters in the other stories, his actions ultimately lead to his death. The importance of violence as it relates to Anders is that it gives us a look into the consequence of his actions. The writer develops the story around his flaws and we find that everything that transpired shortly before his death was due to his pride. There are moments in the story where Anders could have prolonged his life but his arrogance wouldn't let him. I believe that the violence in the story has a strong connection to the lesson or moral. I also believe that the purpose of violence in this story is to give the readers something to think about and perhaps have a conversation on. In this case, the conversation can be anything from Anders’ psychological state to his mental or even physical well-being. The way in which Anders was killed is almost very shocking. I didn’t expect the method of his death to be as gruesome as it was. The writer literally gives the readers a detailed look at the murder by painting the picture of how the bullet went through his skull and scattered his brain. He even takes it a step further by informing the readers on the speed of the bullet and describing its impact. According to him, “The bullet smashed Anders’ skull and ploughed through his brain and exited behind his right ear, scattering shards of bones into the cerebral cortex, the corpus callosum and …show more content…
The main character is called Samuel and he was childish, annoying, disobedient and somewhat of a bully. In the story he and his friends Alfred, Calvin, and Tom are carelessly playing around and jiggling on a swaying platform while onlookers were watching them. Most of them were older and had at some point done some of the things that the young boys were doing. The writer states that “One of them had ridden the tail of a speeding truck from New York to Rockaway Beach without getting off, without his sore fingers losing hold.” The violence in this story is especially mind-boggling because of the nature in which it happened and the circumstances around it. Several onlookers felt the need to scold the boys and warn them about the dangers of playing around the platform. A lady who was in one of the cars had a son at home and despite her initial feelings about warning the boys, “stood up with determination and went to the door. She slid it open and said, "You boys will be hurt. You'll be killed. I'm going to call the conductor if you don't just go into the next car and sit down and be quiet." All these incidents were leading up to the Samuels demise. According to the story, another angry onlooker walked to the end of the car and pulled the emergency cord which ultimately led to Samuels’s death. The use of violence in this story is similar to the purpose in the other stories, to

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