Veterans Are Important In Our Nation's History And Future

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Veterans are important in our Nation’s history and future. In order to understand their importance, we have to ask ourselves what is a veteran. Veterans are citizens of this country and members of our communities. They are grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, and children. They are our friends, neighbors, teachers, and people we see on the street every day.
What is it that makes veterans different then people who are not veterans? The difference is that they give up their regular life and join the military in order to fight wars or help to maintain peace. They are willing to risk their lives and leave their families behind in order to protect our way of life and freedom.
Each time our nation has been threatened by enemies, these brave men and women have stepped forward. In some cases they were drafted for that service. That was true in the
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They were united in a common goal and committed to succeed. Their victories and even their losses showed us how to accomplish difficult tasks in our everyday life.
There were a number of things that were improved by following the military model. One example is health care. The value of early emergency care in the military led to developing a system of care for emergencies. We can trace our current technology to technology developed by the military. That includes the internet, cell phones, satellite communication, and software development. Even alternative energy using solar and nuclear power began as military options.
Veterans taught us about bravery, strength, and hard work. When they came back to their communities, they became valuable members. There were periods of time when Veterans were treated poorly by some of the people in the community. That was especially true during and after the Vietnam War. Since the Gulf War, people have recognized that we need to appreciate and honor all of those people who fought for

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