“Are you gonna tell me what this is about?” Weevil cleared his throat, running his hand over the edge of the steering wheel. …show more content…
“Thanks for coming with me.” She answered without answering, without offering an explanation. The air was stiff, rife with new-car-smell and a heap of unidentified tension.
Even when their friendship hit turbulence, Weevil always admired the way she kept her head up, the way she fought back in her quiet ways. Now, the girl sitting in the passenger seat looked worn down, like she couldn’t even take him. He’s met people with bouts of bad times, people who met ill-fates, people who ran down on their luck, he’s loved people like that. Looking at her now, Veronica Mars looked like her life was running through a bout of bad times, and Veronica Mars’ bad times could be worse than most, he knew.
“I’ll take, things-you-never-said-to-Logan-Echolls-for-a-thousand, Alex.” Checking her face for a reaction, Weevil tried not to feel better when the corner of her mouth quirked up. “Really, at least tell me it’s not him you’re bailing out.”
Pulling up to the Sheriff’s station, Weevil could barely hold back an eye roll thinking about Neptune’s resident Sheriff. Some people were dicks, but dicks with power? They pissed him …show more content…
Veronica could only dread the entire thing; seeing her mom at all, since kicking her out, seeing all of her dad’s old co-workers and knowing everyone knew the worst about the Mars’ family all over again. “She got picked up drunk and disorderly, and shoplifting.”
Even though his mouth had gone dry, Weevil swallowed.
“Uh, V, there’s no backseat here,” He reminded her, as she unbuckled to get