Blood vessels, which carry oxygenated blood away from heart to different part of the body, are called arteries. They constitute a system called arterial system.
Truncus arterious gives two branches right aortic trunk and left aortic trunk. Each aortic trunk again divides into three branches-
a) Carotid arch: it divides into –
Lingual artery – it supplies blood to tongue and hyoid.
Common carotid – it supplies blood to buccal cavity and brain. it consists swelling at the base called carotid labyrinth.
b) Systemic arch – two systemic arches move upward and then curve backward to join each other behind the heart to form dorsal aorta before meeting each other each systemic arch gives-
Oesophageal artery – it supplies …show more content…
c) Pulmo-cutanous arch- it divides into
Pulmonary artery – it receives deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body and open into lungs.
Cutanous artery- it supplies oxygenated blood to skin.
Venous System of frog
Blood vessels, which carry the deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body to the heart, are called veins. They constitute a system called venous system.
Venous system of frog can be studied under too heading
A) Systemic Venous System
This system includes the three large veins, which receives the deoxygenated blood from all the parts of the body and collect to the sinus venous. The three veins are-
Right Precaval, Left precaval and Post cavals
1. Right and Left Precaval Vein: Each precaval is formed by the union of 3 veins
External jugular vein - it is formed by the two veins.
a. lingual vein – it receives deoxygenated blood from mouth and tounge.
b. mandibular vein – it receives deoxygenated blood from lower jaw. innominate vein – it is formed by two veins.
a. internal jugular vein- it receives deoxygenated blood from eye brain and skull.
b. subscapular vein- it receives deoxygenated blood from shoulder and arm. subclavian vein- it is formed by two