Later, the movie shows the ruler of Rome, Orestes, who is Romulus’ father. Although he rules Rome, he is not the Emperor himself. On the day before the coronation of Romulus in 640 AD, Odoacer the Commander of the barbarian Goths allied with the Romans, demanded a third of Italy’s estates from Orestes. Odoacer was promised earlier for his help with the overthrow of the old Emperor of the Eastern Empire, but was denied. The same day, Romulus meets the general of the Nova Invicta Legion Aurelianus Caius Antonius, known as Aurelius. The Legion’s sole purpose was to protect the emperor. The night after Romulus is crowned emperor, Rome is attacked by the Goths. Most of Aurelius's men are killed and Aurelius is stunned and left for dead. Orestes, Romulus’ father, and his wife are killed by Odoacer's lieutenant, Wulfila, who captures Romulus. The following day Odoacer, who is now the ruler of the Western Empire, plans to have Romulus killed; However, Ambrosinus convinces Odoacer to spare the boy, and exiled him to a summer villa on the island of Capri which was built by the emperor Tiberius. The historical account of Romulus Augustus is that he was “son of Orestes, who once had been an assistant to Attila the Hun. After Attila's death, Orestes joined the service of the western empire and quickly achieved senior position. In addition, in AD 474 emperor Julius Nepos made Orestes 'Master of Soldiers' and raised him to the rank of Patrician.” (Romulus Augutus. Par 1) In this elevated position Orestes enjoyed far greater support by the troops than the emperor himself. By now, almost the entire garrison in Italy consisted of German mercenaries although they felt very little allegiance to the empire at all. Orestes was half German, half Roman. Seeing his chance to launch a rebellion marched his troops on Ravenna, the
Later, the movie shows the ruler of Rome, Orestes, who is Romulus’ father. Although he rules Rome, he is not the Emperor himself. On the day before the coronation of Romulus in 640 AD, Odoacer the Commander of the barbarian Goths allied with the Romans, demanded a third of Italy’s estates from Orestes. Odoacer was promised earlier for his help with the overthrow of the old Emperor of the Eastern Empire, but was denied. The same day, Romulus meets the general of the Nova Invicta Legion Aurelianus Caius Antonius, known as Aurelius. The Legion’s sole purpose was to protect the emperor. The night after Romulus is crowned emperor, Rome is attacked by the Goths. Most of Aurelius's men are killed and Aurelius is stunned and left for dead. Orestes, Romulus’ father, and his wife are killed by Odoacer's lieutenant, Wulfila, who captures Romulus. The following day Odoacer, who is now the ruler of the Western Empire, plans to have Romulus killed; However, Ambrosinus convinces Odoacer to spare the boy, and exiled him to a summer villa on the island of Capri which was built by the emperor Tiberius. The historical account of Romulus Augustus is that he was “son of Orestes, who once had been an assistant to Attila the Hun. After Attila's death, Orestes joined the service of the western empire and quickly achieved senior position. In addition, in AD 474 emperor Julius Nepos made Orestes 'Master of Soldiers' and raised him to the rank of Patrician.” (Romulus Augutus. Par 1) In this elevated position Orestes enjoyed far greater support by the troops than the emperor himself. By now, almost the entire garrison in Italy consisted of German mercenaries although they felt very little allegiance to the empire at all. Orestes was half German, half Roman. Seeing his chance to launch a rebellion marched his troops on Ravenna, the