One way that would be very effective is by completely privatizing the postal service. The postal service is the only legal monopoly in the United States, and also is funded by the U.S. Government, but also is independent from the government. The postal service is beginning to spiral further and further into debt, costing the United States billions. In 2014, the United States Postal Service (USPS) lost $5.5 billion, and in 2012 they lost $15.9 billion (Bandow). Privatizing the postal service would cause postal delivery companies to be treated as independent businesses and would not need to be funded by the government. This way, independent companies would be able to bid their services against other mail companies, which would create more jobs as well as save the government billions each year. Another way to cut money from the budget is by thoroughly scanning over the civilian welfare programs. Each year the United States spends billions of dollars that just go into food stamps, aka SNAP. The program helps give about 46 million impoverished families the ability to have a somewhat stable diet, and although these families need help, it has cost the government $76 billion in 2014 …show more content…
In the fiscal year 2010, “an overall $2.5 billion was spent on improper food stamp payments” (Reagan). Considering the amount of money being spent on the entire food stamp payment programs, $2.5 billion might seem like a minute amount, but it is $2.5 billion that can be saved simply by paying better attention to those who are receiving food stamps and then given to other programs in need of funding. Many families are helped by this program but there are also people who completely scam the system and get free food from the government. By cracking down on the people who receive food stamps or free/reduced lunches at schools, fraud can be completely abolished from this program, freeing up billions of dollars to go to other things in the budget, such as Veterans Affairs. With the size of America, it is hard to keep track of everyone and everything. However, keeping better track of money being given to people, the United States can easily save billions of dollars by preventing fraud , which can go to the things that need more funding such as Veterans Affairs and veteran benefits. These soldiers are shipped off to wars around the world and give away the lives they have, just to protect the lives of the