Utilitarianism is an effort to provide an answer to the ethical question: “What should a man to do?” How should he act to others? Its answer is that he ought to do good or not do bad. Happiness is obtained from the feeling of doing good to others. But why then are so many altruistic people so miserably depressed? Let's take Mother Theresa for example. She dedicate her life's work to do good to others, yet she suffered miserably from depression. Why? Because Utilitarianism conflicts with our innate ego - a desire to to what is good for the self before doing what is good for others. Mother Theresa had human wants and desires that she repressed because of a pathological drive and belief that she MUST always do what is best for another and both herself. And this conflict between unregulated altruism and ego brings about self misery. And doesn't self misery conflict with the philosophy of Utilitarianism? C1. …show more content…
According to Kant, when are we truly acting freely? Explain how his answer to this question influences his ethical stance.
Utilitarist, Immanuel Kant believed that there is no justification for lying and that our moral fiber depends on this. If we were ever to lie under any circumstance we were giving up our free will and “intrinsic worth”. Kant believes that humans are rational beings that can make free choices. By lying you are giving up your free choice and taking free choice away from the recipient of the lie. The right or wrong of the situation under any circumstances does not warrant lying.
If a patient knew that they had six months to live but when asked by their child if they are okay and the parent responds that they are fine to spare the torturous next six months of pain for the child, this according to Kant would be immoral. Kant does not balance the benefits or harms of the circumstance, a lie is a lie is a lie. The parent gave up her free will and the child was not able to prepare properly for the parents demise. There will always be an argument whether a lie can be justifiable or not and although I would like to consider myself a God fearing honest person I believe it is only human to lie, whether to protect yourself or those around you. Lying for the benefit of yourself and not others of course would in anyone’s eyes, utilitarian or deontological, be unethical. For example, if a rapist came to my door and asks if my kid is home, I will kindly answer; “No their not”. According to Kant this may cause the rapist to rape someone else and I would have took the rapist free choice away because I lied. Oh well. F1. According to Social Contract Theory, why should you be moral? Describe the conditions that make for a legitimate social contract. A social contract theory essentially states that the governed should give up some of their freedoms in order for protection from the government. Now the social contract theory is a simple idea but when put into action there are numerous parts that all have to be working properly. It requires the people to be willing to abandon some freedoms for the protection from government but the government