Technical Jargon Research Paper

Improved Essays
The Merriam-Webster dictionary define Jargon as the language used for a particular activity or by particular group of people. Is people really making the language evolve or is just laziness. Common sense tell us, why use a long complicated word when a short one can deliver the same message. When you explain everything clearly, people will get it. (Berkun, 2012) Because when you start using big words or jargon, most of us get confuse. The use of jargon sometime is use to confuse, distract or intimidate people. What about if I tell you that I believe, all on my own, will transform this, or revolutionize that. Exactly!

Jargon define as the language used for a particular activity or by particular group of people. It is use every day
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It was only later, when my mom was diagnostic with cancer, that I realized jargon can be more than just a way to talk. Going from appointment to appointment, I realizes that I was a stranger or outsider for all the medical jargon. I know the staff were doing their best to explain the situation. But I finally understand that was the only way these professionals can explain me what was wrong with my mother. And technical jargon is necessary for professional to communicate not only to me but also each other. A down side of the technical jargon is when use for writing for people who is not used to it, without explain them what it means. Reader may misunderstood the meaning of the …show more content…
But use in a correct way can elevate your speech and writing. Society can take charge over language by making new expression or use old expressions for new purpose.

There many way we can improve our speech (Klotz-Guest, 2015), one of them is using simple words. Like in the case of this paper, I will not get extra points for using big words. Why make it complicate, if I can be simple and still deliver a message. Just say it in the most basic way. That doesn’t make me less intelligent. Important or busy people don’t have the time to try to decode your message. Like the term “KISS” in the Army, which mean “Keep It Simple, Stupid”. Another way is address the human, inside every professional is a rational human. So when you are writing or preparing a speech remember you will be communicating or taking to human. Also use your audience language. People use certain words for a reason, using this words have a meaning for them. Also remember people are busy. We are all busy, so keep it short and sweet. Because if we lack of something these days, is time. Another way that improve your speech is turn me into you. Basically turn the conversation to the audience and their

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