1 Day
In today’s time there is something called forcing factors which is the tilt of the Earth's axis which creates seasons but other factors that may impact climate systems are such volcanic aerosols which can cool climate and shorten growing seasons. Some instruments used to track climate patterns are thermometers, rain gauges, and stream gauges. Paleo proxies such as tree rings and cores from corals and ice caps also provide information on a resolution in terms of precipitation and in some cases extreme measures such as fires or volcanic activity. As the earth rotates on it’s axis it creates the process which is called diurnal cycle which is the process of changing day to night.
1 Year
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One, centered in the north Pacific and most commonly called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation seems to have periods of 15 to 25 years, and of 50 to 70 years. The other, the North Atlantic Oscillation has a dominant period of 12 years and as its name implies, it is centered in the North Atlantic.Internal ocean variability can be tracked through paleoclimatic data which provide evidence for dramatic climatic events not seen in the limited instrumental records.Instrumental records are limited in the ability to examine decadal to centennial scale climate variability.
1000 Years
Influences on climatic variability at the centennial to millennial scales include ocean and land carbon cycles and the thermohaline relates to ocean temperature and the amount of salt balance.
Scientists rely on Paleoclimatic Proxy records to reconstruct variability and climate patterns at the 1000 year scale. Some climate patterns have been observed in the paleo record that are not necessarily operating today. Cores from ice,coral reefs, ocean and lake sediments can provide a lot of information such as temperature, precipitation, chemical composition of air or water and etc.