In an emergency such as a shortage of staff due to sickness or adverse weather conditions, we would telephone category C to inform them that their visit will be later than scheduled. We would ask the next of kin if they were able to provide support for the service user if we had a large number of category A and B service users to cover. Category D is a list of service users who have visits for domestic tasks only, such as cleaning• their home. These service users do not have any support with their medication, meal preparation or personal care. In an emergency such as a shortage of staff due to sickness or adverse weather conditions, we would telephone the service user to arrange a later visit time or even schedule the visit for another day. There would obviously be no charge in the event of any cancelled visits. Other instances when there are day-to-day changes include accommodating urgent packages of care. Usually a telephone referral is made from a Social Worker to our offices when a service user needs to be discharged from hospital and wants to come home immediately. The Social Worker asks for our availability to cover the visits needed and if we can accommodate the package of care always ask for flexibility with requested times for the first
In an emergency such as a shortage of staff due to sickness or adverse weather conditions, we would telephone category C to inform them that their visit will be later than scheduled. We would ask the next of kin if they were able to provide support for the service user if we had a large number of category A and B service users to cover. Category D is a list of service users who have visits for domestic tasks only, such as cleaning• their home. These service users do not have any support with their medication, meal preparation or personal care. In an emergency such as a shortage of staff due to sickness or adverse weather conditions, we would telephone the service user to arrange a later visit time or even schedule the visit for another day. There would obviously be no charge in the event of any cancelled visits. Other instances when there are day-to-day changes include accommodating urgent packages of care. Usually a telephone referral is made from a Social Worker to our offices when a service user needs to be discharged from hospital and wants to come home immediately. The Social Worker asks for our availability to cover the visits needed and if we can accommodate the package of care always ask for flexibility with requested times for the first