The etiology of epilepsy is based on many factors such as environmental, age, genetics,
The etiology of epilepsy is based on many factors such as environmental, age, genetics,
Fremgen, she describes a case study, "The case of Janet K. and Epilepsy". Janet was a 27-year-old nursing graduate. From a very young age, she was diagnosed with epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which causes seizures (Mayo Clinic, 2017). As a result of her diagnosis, she suffered from seizures.…
Seizure normally occur when the electrical activity of the brains whole surface becomes abnormally synchronized. The cells in your brain normally communicate with one another by sending sending electrical and chemical signals across the synapses that connects with the cells. The research that has been done is still unknown in about half of the case. Grand mal seizures are not always but sometimes caused by basic health problems. Traumatic head injuries can be a huge factor in the cause of them because if you bonk your head really hard it can cause a concussion causing you to have seizures.…
The patient chosen for this paper is K.B., a five-year and eight month old female who was diagnosed with epilepsy at age four. History…
A seizure results from the brain sending abnormal signals to the body, which proceeds to generate…
1 Oct. 2015. This article provides a view into the symptoms, mechanics, and scientific study behind epilepsy and epileptic fits. The strongest points that would pertain to my research paper are its evidence on how stress could trigger epileptic fits, being a root cause of seizures. The article is non-debatable throughout and is unbiased towards any particular route of treatment, or understanding of the illness.…
1) Does age of a patient play a role in how much of his or her brain causes seizures and what parts of their brain cause seizures? I remember learning that Dr. Ben Carson did a hemispherectomy (one of the hemispheres of the brain or half of the brain is removed) in a little girl (age 4-5) who had seizures and that the girl had no brain impairment later in life. 2) Can a patient who has an MRI scan done on them experience negative side effects due to the MRI equipment or procedure? I know that exposure to too much X-ray radiation can be detrimental to one's health. Since MRI scans produce better images of the brain than CT scans, which use X-ray particles, I was wondering there are patient related reasons when doctors may opt to order a CT…
The epilepsy is basically a chronic disorder that further results in unprovoked, recurrent seizures. A seizure is a sudden rush of electrical activity in the brain. There are two main types of seizures. Generalized seizures affect the whole brain. Focal, or partial seizures, affect just one part of the…
Body (What is Epilepsy) A. Transitional – To begin, I would like to explain what epilepsy is. B. Evidence - Epilepsy is a condition in which a person has many seizures, abnormal brain cells that are temporary disturbed of motor, sensory, and mental function. According to CDC, 1.2% of the total US population have active epilepsy. (2015) C. Analysis - Epilepsy can affect people in very different ways, that is because there are many causes and many different kinds of seizures. Some people may have multiple types of seizures or medical conditions to epilepsy.…
Starry Night and Number One Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Jackson Pollock's Number One are two very well known paintings in the art world. Both of these pieces were painted by iconic artists who have impacted the arts, and essentially made it into what society knows it as today. Both Van Gogh and Pollock are admirable artists, especially for breaking the norms of their times with their abstract techniques. Both Starry Night and Number One were created in the 1800-1900’s time frame, and are considered contemporary pieces, because they were done using unprecedented techniques based on pervious characteristics of other time periods. Starry Night was created in June of 1889, and according to the Khan Academy website, “Following the dramatic…
Epilepsy and the Oral Cavity Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder (neurological disorder) in which nerve cell activity in the brain becomes disrupted, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations and sometimes loss of consciousness (MayoClinic). Diagnosis of epilepsy is not an easy task as it comes in many forms and can range anywhere from a blank stare to full body convulsions, but once it is diagnosed, epilepsy can often be treated with medication and the patient can live a normal life. One thing that must be noted is that these medications can have side effects that are detrimental to the oral cavity.…
It is sometimes hard to determine if a person is just having a regular seizure or if they are also suffering from perimenstrual catamenial epilepsy. A person may not even realize…
According to Barrow Neurological Institute, epileptic seizures, based on behaviour and brain activity, are broadly classified in to two categories: 1) Focal or Partial Seizures and 2) Generalised Seizures 1) Focal or Partial Seizures: These seizures can further be classified as Simple partial epileptic seizure and Complex epileptic seizure. a) Simple Partial Epileptic seizure: Focal, or simple, or partial seizures are confined in small parts of the brain only. In case of Simple or Partial seizures a person is normally aware of the surroundings, only he or she faced a jerk in the arm or in the hand or other symptoms that corresponds to localised seizure in the part of brain.…
Majority of patients with epilepsy, seizures can be well controlled with appropriate medication. Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs) are the main form of treatment for people with epilepsy. Adults are at a higher risk of recurrent seizures. It’s common for adults receive AED therapy. Initiating AED therapy for adults after the first seizure decreases the absolute risk of recurrence by 35% over the next two years (Liu…, 2017).…
Government Agencies Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) CDC, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, promotes health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. The CDC Epilepsy Program conducts epilepsy program activities in improving care, improving communication and combating stigma, self-management, surveillance and prevention research, increasing public awareness and knowledge, and strengthening partnerships. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) NINDS is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and a component of the National Institutes of Health. It is the leading…
Medications can play a huge role in controlling epileptic seizures. The website WEBMD states that 70% of patients with epilepsy medications are able to control seizures (Denoon et al.). However, they can't cure epilepsy, and medication is often needed throughout the course of the disease. Often medications are prescribed on a trial and error basis. The right medication or combination of medications must be found for each specific person with the illness.…