Underlying Causes Of World War 1

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World War 1 was a very brutal & grossing war, A war that many expected to be short. In fact, it lasted from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918. Within these 4 long and terrible years, millions of soldiers & civilians lives were lost. Some of the English, French, German & Russian soldiers were made up of young high school graduates. These young soldiers died fighting one another along the Western & Eastern Fronts. The main underlying causes of World War I were the Alliances & Imperial rivalries between the Central Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey and the Allies: U.S., Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Japan, & others.
The immediate cause was the assassination of Austria’s Archduke Ferdinand. This caused Austria-Hungary to
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Militarism became another main underlying cause of World War I. Each power seeked to dominate the other. A way of doing that was by winning the war, and in order to win a war your military has to be strong, smart, and ready for battle. Germany’s military wasn't as big and prepared as others so they had to spend the most money to get their army up to the necessary level that they needed to fight their two Fronts. “Germany spent 80 million in British pounds from 1890 to 1914 to improve their military. Meaning that they spent 20 million or more in British pounds then any other country during that time period” (Document C). If there was a balance of power no one country would dominate one another. Even though Germany spent the most money in building their military they still ended up losing the war due to the fact that they were stuck in between two alliances.
In conclusion alliances and militarism were the two main underlying causes of World War I. Alliances played a big part in World War I due to the fact that it gave some countries a better success on winning the war and less of a chance to win. Proven by the way France and Russia trap Germany and the rest of the Central Powers. Militarism started to also affect the war because if a country is fighting a two-front war it is hard to win that war if you don't have enough soldiers to fight both Fronts at the same time. These were the underlying

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