The UN Millennium development goals are designed to improve and alleviate standards in key areas of human development. These goals focus around the standard of living for millions of people and combat extreme issues that trouble multiple western and eastern countries (cite). The third millennium development goal encompasses education, political participation, and economic empowerment with equality for women as a primary focus. This essay focuses on four projects that UN Women have implemented in order to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goal three. The projects covers the HeForShe solidarity campaign that promotes gender equality by …show more content…
These campaigns include implementation of national laws, policies and action plans to end violence in recognition of achieving the third Millennium Development Goal. A large emphasis for the New Zealand National Committee is the focus on the Pacific Islands in particular the Solomon Islands and Samoa. A large portion of campaigning by the UN Women is against violence towards women, with projects such as their Walk for Women fundraiser. UN Women, Walk for Women is a new initiative where you set the date, the place and the pace in hope to fundraise for the Islands within the Pacific. The idea is to fundraise through small donations by walking, biking or running in your neighbourhood, town or to work, on your own or with family, friends, and neighbours. Funds raised from Walk for Women 2015 will go towards the Pacific Trust Fund to end violence against women in the Solomon