I was born in the late 90’s, where technology wasn’t that important in my life growing up. Yes, there was cell phones, television, dial-up, and computers. Today, all those items have evolved into smart-phones, smart-TV, high speed internet, and tablets; everything has become more and more advance. People cannot wait until the next new hot item in the market. People crave this advance technology, but what they do not realize is that technology might be cruel, depending how people use it. I came across Tyler Cowen’s article, “Work and Wages in iWorld”, which explains the technology revolution in the world happening today and the disturbing consequences it might bring in the future. In Cowen’s writing and in my personal experiences, …show more content…
In the article it claims, “Workers more and more will come to be classified into two categories” (Cowen). What the author is trying to say is that if people have the knowledge of working with computers, they are more likely to obtain a stable job and go onto the wealthy scale. Unlike the people that do not have any knowledge of computers or even if a computer can do a better and fast job then that person, they are likely to lose their job and end up in poverty. I believe that we can stop this new form of society classes from happening is if the government continues on having regulations on how many machinery companies have in their business. Just imagine if people started losing their jobs, what will happen to the economy? The whole economy would just fall apart. The country would become into a third world country without the average people. The author includes, “Workers will move to low—rent areas to make ends meet; and how shopping, dating, and meeting negotiation will all change” (Cowen). What Cowen trying to say is that the percentage of people trying to make it on minimum wages will increase in high numbers. It’s kind of like the era with the large monopoly companies that the owners were filthy rich and everyone else just tried making it day by day to …show more content…
The standards on the younger children has increased tremendously throughout the years. It feels like fourth-graders are learning material that would be taught to seventh-graders. “It is not clear our k-12 education has improved.” States Cowen. What he is trying to say that children should be taught more about technology. Which wouldn’t be such a bad idea since technology is already so involved in our lives. There is already slight change in technology with the younger generation. I got my first phone when I was in sixth-grade. I have seen kids with smart phones as old as two year old! Now they have tablets for kids to play games for learning purposes. So as the generation gets younger the more they are involved with electronic devices. They will be the ones advancing in the job opportunities. But the people that didn’t learn anything about technology in school or in their personal lives will suffer from this new technology