The movie and short story The Lottery provides a perfect example of how totalitarian dictatorship and traditional structured government make use of hope to control and standardize the citizens within their communities. In the story as well as the …show more content…
Furthermore, no one dares questions his authority of why and how he does things. For instance, if it is to happen they’ll result in death as he did the game maker for changing the rules of the game. In the end, Snow’s hostile leadership ways gives him respect with a hint of terror which is why he uses publicity of the tributes who won to fake their romance and achieve control of the citizen’s emotions.
Altogether, each movie demonstrates a great example of how totalitarian dictatorship and traditional government utilizes hope to control their citizens. The dictators or people in control of everything finds one source or factor that’ll keep they people under control and it’s usually something that’s traditional. However, they also utilize fear along with the hope. President Snow’s quote “hope is the only thing stronger than fear” may be wrong. In other words, in each movie fear was the main objective and then hope followed after. Therefore, maybe fear somehow is greater than