I personally think this Titan has the most symbolic meaning. This Titan, according to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia is “the personification of memory.” She is a female which causes her reference to be “Titaness.” She is also the daughter of Uranus and Gaea like the rest of her siblings. Her own offspring include the Muses by Zeus. She relates to today’s society by the way one’s memory has a strong impact on their lives. One final I find interesting is Phoebe. Phoebe is a female Titan which again causes her to have the reference of “Titaness.” Also, she seems to be a strong mother figure in some cases. According to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, “she is the mother of Leto and Asteria and the grandmother of Artemis.” She is also affiliated with the goddess of the moon in some legends. She relates to today’s society by how some women are the reliable moms to others. All in all, these titans make a great addition to Greek mythology. Each of these twelve Titans were the offspring of Uranus and Gaea. Half of the Titans were female while the other half were male. Each of these Titans carried on different lives. These lives were portrayed in an entertaining fashion that caught the attention of readers. Specifically, drama and conflict are behind this entertainment. To conclude, Titans offer another great aspect in Greek
I personally think this Titan has the most symbolic meaning. This Titan, according to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia is “the personification of memory.” She is a female which causes her reference to be “Titaness.” She is also the daughter of Uranus and Gaea like the rest of her siblings. Her own offspring include the Muses by Zeus. She relates to today’s society by the way one’s memory has a strong impact on their lives. One final I find interesting is Phoebe. Phoebe is a female Titan which again causes her to have the reference of “Titaness.” Also, she seems to be a strong mother figure in some cases. According to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, “she is the mother of Leto and Asteria and the grandmother of Artemis.” She is also affiliated with the goddess of the moon in some legends. She relates to today’s society by how some women are the reliable moms to others. All in all, these titans make a great addition to Greek mythology. Each of these twelve Titans were the offspring of Uranus and Gaea. Half of the Titans were female while the other half were male. Each of these Titans carried on different lives. These lives were portrayed in an entertaining fashion that caught the attention of readers. Specifically, drama and conflict are behind this entertainment. To conclude, Titans offer another great aspect in Greek