I will break this down further into two sections. My short term goals will focus on things that I want to accomplish in the next few years while my long term goals will detail how to develop the skills that will make employers value (Hansen, 2015). Completing the first two steps, my short term goals will include finishing my bachelor’s degree, continuing education on the services necessary to run the current organization, and striving to improve those systems to save the company money and streamline operations. My timeline to achieve these goals will be two to three years. The long term goals for my career plan are to find an organization where I expand my opportunities and take on more leadership roles, develop the skills to make me invaluable to an employer, and strengthen the skills necessary to interact at a high level in an organization. I believe by doing this I will be able to attain more personal goals such as retiring early to travel and enjoying life outside of the office. In order to achieve the goals that I have set out in my career plan, it is necessary to have a leadership approach.
Leadership …show more content…
No doubt there will be more twists in the journey to be accounted for in years to come, but there is no denying the odd sense of comfort obtained by going through this process. By creating a career plan, I have clearly defined a road map that will help me gauge my process to attaining my long term career goals. This has helped to define my leadership approach along with ways to improve the skills that employers look for in effective employees. By examining and applying the resources in the Career center, reflecting on my career to date, identifying my current leadership skills, and defining a career path and leadership approach, I am more prepared to attain the goals I have set