There are three different types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders that are determined based on the symptoms and signs. The three …show more content…
They believe it is just when a person is lazy, extremely talkative, and fidgety. I’ve witnessed kids multiple times tell other children how they need to chill out, because they are acting crazy. The children will then go on to tell them how they have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and after be made fun of for it. This is obviously very unhealthy for the kids dealing with it and unhelpful in their progress toward improvement. Children need to be more informed about ADHD, because they are going to be around many kids dealing with it. There are many causes of ADHD, but the main one is heredity. If one parent has dealt with ADHD in their lifetime, there is between a 33% to 50% chance that their child will have it. In an adoption study, the child is more likely to act like their biological parents, even though the child was raised by their adopted parents. The study to see if genes are linked to ADHD has been increasing rapidly. DAT1 and DRD4 are two specific dopamine genes that have been said to be linked with ADHD. Mothers that are consuming alcohol or any type of tobacco products have caused some kids to constantly misbehave and struggle learning at the same pace as other children. These toxins affect the child’s brain tissue negatively and causes them to have incorrect development in their early years. Below is a picture of a two different newborn brains. The one on the left is what a newborns brain …show more content…
In behavior therapy the child is normally working with a school psychologist or their pediatrician. Behavior therapy is based on a reward and discipline system, where the child is rewarded for good behavior or disciplined with inappropriate behavior. For an example if the child is acting positively than they will get to sleepover at a friend’s house. If they are acting negatively they won’t get to hang out with any friends at all that day. This trains their brain that good things will happen to them when they act good. They will tend to think more strongly about the outcome of situations before they act. It is the classic example of think before you talk. Parents will have this same type of system at their own household also. If teachers, parents, and family relatives all have this same system, it really will go a long way in helping the child act appropriately all the time. Other helpful things to keep in mind for a child with ADHD include: exercise, sleep, and good nutrition. Obviously this is important for absolutely everyone, but these simple things will go a long way for a child dealing with this disorder. If a child is participating in sports, dance, or martial arts it will help their dopamine and serotonin levels stay up, while making new