For instance, Jefferson was a strong believer of laissez-faire, human equality, natural rights, popular sovereignty and the right of revolution. Jefferson opposed high tariffs and taxes. For instance, once Jefferson comes into power, he lifts the Whiskey tax which grants him favor in many of the southern states. Jefferson also antipathetic toward large armies, navies, and banks because he claimed it would lead to monarchy. Also, Jefferson believed that the Constitution was a fluid document that could be altered to suit circumstances. He stated that laws must follow the progress of the human mind, institutions must advance to keep up with the times (Doc. G). This would be a concept that would be apparent considered numerous times throughout the Virginian dynasty. In addition, Jefferson favored an agrarian society that did not dwell too much on commerce and manufacturing, unlike his Federalist counterparts. Jefferson was convinced that if they nation did follow a path of commerce and Hamiltonian policies, the nation would eventually become a monarchy. Therefore, Jefferson believed that giving power to the mass of the people would allow for national progress (Political …show more content…
In the political cartoon by Anderson, Jefferson is depicted with a snapping turtle that is deterring a merchant from selling his products to trading partners (Doc. C). The Embargo Act stands as tangible evidence as to how during the Jeffersonian Administration, Jefferson switches his position on his doctrines of Democratic Republicanism. Through the Embargo Act Jefferson practices Federalist ideals by increasing the power of the government intensively in respect to trade and commerce. In fact, Jefferson increases the role of the government once again by enacting the Non-intercourse Act, which forbade exports to France and England. These trading rights would be restored only when each country lifted their acts, the Berlin Decree from the French and the Ordinance Council from the English. During the Madison Administration, Republican and Federalist influences were apparent. Once Madison comes into office by March of 1809 and realizes with the help of the Secretary of Treasury, Albert Gallatin that the Embargo Act is causing deficits within the economy. Therefore, Nathaniel Macon proposed a bill that allows trade between the United States, the British and the French but still enforces