On the outside, Tom and Daisy’s marriage looked seamlessly perfect. They had a beautiful daughter, an endless supply of money, a strong history together, and a gorgeous home. Even Tom says himself when showing Nick around, “I’ve got a nice place here,” ...his eyes flashing about restlessly,” (8). Every chance Tom had he liked to point out how successful he is. Tom was one who would never stop building himself up, no matter how much it made him sound like an arrogant jerk. Even with Tom’s attitude, …show more content…
Myrtle had been previously married to George Wilson, who owned a small car garage, where he worked on cars and also had a small gas station. They both lived in the New York borough of Queens. Queens had been known to be the home to the lower class and had been often referred to as “The Ash Heap”. Nick described why Queens had been given this nickname, he said, “A valley of ashes-a frantic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens,” (23). The Wilson’s were not like the other couples discussed in this book, they were not of the upper class. Tom showed Myrtle the fancier things in life. He bought an apartment in the city for them to throw lavish parties in and also bought her designer clothing to flaunt at those parties. Tom gave Myrtle everything she wanted but could never have from her husband. In all reality Tom would not ever leave Daisy for some poor, ash heap woman. Daisy had it all, the looks, the money, and the name. Tom basically used Myrtle as his own selfish game, he felt he was such a man he could take care of two woman, not just one. George eventually found out about Myrtle 's infidelities, and his heart broke because of it, “He had discovered that Myrtle had some sort of life apart from him in another world, and the shock had made him physically sick,” (160). George worked as hard as he could to provide for his wife, sadly she did not appreciate it one bit. Finally, to add to …show more content…
Jay Gatsby at a young age. For a while they carried on a relationship together, until he had been drafted to defend the country and was sent off to war. Before Gatsby was shipped out, Daisy told Gatsby she would wait for him. To his surprise when he returned he had found out that she had been wed during his absence. From that moment on he knew he had to fight to get Daisy back. For many years he worked to achieve wealth and eventually got enough money to move to New York, where he would have a home built just across the water from Daisy. Once he moved here he threw many parties in hope of running into Daisy at one. Many people noticed his efforts to see her, Jordan Baker, a friend of Daisy, told Nick, "I think he half expected her to wander into one of his parties, some night,” (63). This is why Gatsby tried his hardest to make his party 's well known. Finally when Gatsby met Jordan Baker he explained his feelings for Daisy and even opened up to her about the story of their past. At this time he also met Nick, who was cousins with Daisy. Together they devised a plan for Gatsby and Daisy to meet. After talking to Gatsby, Jordan told Nick, “She’s not to know about it. Gatsby doesn’t want her to know. You’re just supposed to invite her to tea,” (79). Nick followed through with Gatsby 's request and invited them both over. For weeks these two made plans to see each other and eventually fell back in love. The only thing that held them back was the fact that