The short story begins with Mr.Shifltet arriving at Mrs.Lucynell Craters farm where she lives with her daughter, also named, Lucynell Crater. Right at the beginning Mrs. Lucynell Crater gives a rough description of Mr. Shiftlet which gives us insight into Mr. Shiftlet’s character and how he is a troubled man, which further supports the rest of the plot and also explains Mr.Shiftlet’s decisions later on. He is also described to be wearing a brown hat, which is connected with spiritual death, again foreshadowing that denial of grace. While they were talking Mr. Shiftlet spots a car on the property and agrees to stay on the farm in return for food and a place to sleep. Mrs. Lucynell sees this as an opportunity to …show more content…
Shiftlet 's smile stretched like a weary snake waking up by a fire.” This simile comparing Mr.Shiflet’s smile to a weary snake is used to characterize Mr. Shiftlet as someone who is deceiving and misleading . By connecting his smile to a snake, O’Connor foreshadowing his future, unwise decisions. A snake is often symbolic of temptation. Mr.Shiftlet not only temps the Craters into living with them but also tricks Lucynell into marrying him when he was planning on just using her the whole