The Wrong Of Abortion Analysis

Improved Essays
Lee and George’s paper “The Wrong of Abortion” details the moral wrongness of aborting embryonic beings as it is essentially justified non-intentional killing. Reasoning provided by Lee and George are faulty as it neglects to consider the consequential factors that affect child after birth, complications that arise with giving your child up for adoption and how the abortion can benefit the mother and child.

Lee and George begin the paper by defining that embryos and fetuses are essentially immature but complete human being and that after complete fertilization, an individual human is formed. They argue that the baby can feel pain and that it should be considered just as any regular being because of they have their own distinction, they have a complete genetic makeup and that they are wholesome. They deflect objections from defenders of abortion saying that just because an embryo does not have the self awareness and mental capacity, it does not make them any less deserving of their rights to live. The argument that “abortion are intentional killings” are then presented with the support that if the mother is able to conceive she should as “not doing something that would assist someone and doing something that causes someone harm” define the reason why the woman should bring the pregnancy to term even if it means to give it up for adoption. Pregnant mothers should be the only people making the decision in whether they choose to abort the child as the sacrifice mothers have to make is not a negligible amount but rather owing her entire future and life for that child that they never intended to have. Carrying a baby is also not a task that is easy as the mothers body is providing for two people and as much as the mothers health affects the fetus, the fetus will also equally affect the mother. Regardless of whether the mother is able to conceive the baby healthily, the mother might not be able to create a good environment for the baby after birth. Either economic state or emotional state will not only affect the health of the mother but ultimately also the new infant as
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Although the mother is able to have the baby be taken out of her responsibility, it does not mean she is able to forget her child. In addition, if that child she conceived is the physical embodiment of the traumatic sexual assault, how will the mother be able to heal and improve her mental and emotional state? As a mother, it would be nearly impossible to forget the child you birthed even if their child was living miles away from her safe with another family. Sympathizing for the child, how would the child feel knowing his or her biological mother was raped by his father and he was the product of her sexual assault? Feeling of guilt, and remorse for his or her mother and perhaps hatred towards their dad could ultimately disrupting his attitudes towards a nurturing family enticing feelings of broken family despite his foster family. Posing the solution of giving your child up for adoption assumes the best case scenario in which the child is indeed adopted by a foster family, but given the case that they are not, the child will turn 18 and will find himself

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