Out of many individuals who recognize the crisis, there are four different authors who proudly acknowledge the presence of crisis; most importantly, social crisis. These authors are Karl Marx, Upton Sinclair, Howard Zinn and Arundhati Roy. These authors talk about their belief on social crisis and what can be a potential solution for the problem. First of, Karl Marx believes that social crisis is generated between classes; the Bourgeois and proletarians. Second Upton Sinclair talks about the immoral of capitalism and how corporations are exploiting its workers. Third Howard Zinn points out the fact that there is no neutrality when it comes to injustice; one must pick a side. Lastly, Arundhati Roy considered the facts on how a government utilizes its people. The above authors attack all forms of social crisis and what needs to be done in pursuance of justice. In the book, Communist Manifesto Karl Marx talks about the crisis between the bourgeois and the proletarians. …show more content…
He suggests the history of class “The freeman and the slave...lord and serf” must end (Marx 9). He supports the proletarians being in power rather than the bourgeois. Marx explains the bourgeois as a people who “has the upper hand…” “has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation” (Marx 11). Bourgeois are simply the relation of money, they exist in means of production and property. They only care for themselves as individuals and not as a family. On the other hand, Marx explains the proletarians as the movement of “self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority”. Unlike the bourgeois who care about money and property, proletarians care about each and every individual, they believe in “abolition of private property” (Marx 23). The proletarians believe in unity and what one has it shall be shared equally. To Marx the end of social crisis will emerge when the workers all over the world unite, rise up and demand what is right. While Marx talks about the positivity of communism, in The jungle a book by Upton Sinclair, he talks about the negativity of capitalism, therefore in a way they are on the same side. Upton Sinclair 's world consists of workers that are robbed of working rights. Through the main character One, he explains how capitalism system is growing stronger due to the exploitation of labor, corruption, lies, business cycle and pollution. The employees are expected to work long hours moreover receive little to no pay. Capitalism is a structure that works through supply and demand. Sinclair shows an example of this through Marija. Marija wakes up one