The Wait: A Powerful Practice For Finding The Love Of Your Life

Decent Essays
Hi, I’m Keyondra. I’m a very family orientated person. I’ve been married to my husband, Carlos, for 2 years. We have a 9-month old baby boy, he name is, Kyle. I like to be with my family majority of the time, when I’m not with them, I’m probably at the beauty shop or the nail salon. I’m also in the Army National Guard, currently waiting for my contract to expire. The Army is not what I thought it would be, but it has been a great experience overall.

I love to write, but only when I’m writing something that catches my attention. When I was in high school we would gave writing assessments, every time I would score either a 4 or 5. The highest that you could get was a 6. My errors were always: improper use of commas or too many run-on sentences. Those are still the challenges I have with writing today.
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I would like to read “The Wait: A Powerful Practice for Finding the Love of Your Life & the Life You Love” by DeVon Franklin and Meagan Good. There’s no specific reason I want to read the book besides the fact that I love them both and I love their marriage that is displayed to

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